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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Getting into Bookstores

As I was called into the hospital today as the on call Chaplain at The Ohio State University I had to pray for the soul of a young 20 year old man. His mother could not breathe and was in shambles. At the same time I received another page to give the anointing of the sick to a patient that had already passed away. Because I am not Catholic I have the responsibility of calling priests that, because there are not any on staff. The priest kindly informed me that after they have passed away there is no such thing so he left it to me to be the chaplain to the family. When I walked to the patient's room to assess the situation the family was gone so I just said a prayer over the body. The family of the 20 year old finally went to see the doctor and had time for me to same a prayer as the family. It is funny, because often times families in a crisis situation always feel the need to confess to me that so and so was not really religious. Oftentimes I just want to say that God is not really interested in if you are religious or not, but if you are interested in seeking God yourself. The family asked for a little more time and I went into the family room to kill some time and since I had nothing else to do I decided to call one of the local African-American bookstores in Columbus, OH. The name of it is The Booksuite which is located on Long Street downtown. I spoke with someone there and asked if they were open to getting my POD book onto their shelves. They told me that it would be no problem and that they would also promote a booksigning for me in December. So I got the owner's personal email address and she asked that I send in a copy of my cover as well as my synopsis and bio. So it looks like I am in! I would recommend all indie publishers to get their books into Indie bookstores whenever possible. Oh yeah, they are looking for a 60/40 split as well for about 5 copies to be put into their stores.

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